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Log Cabins As Vacation Homes

In the past, going on a vacation meant spending a good amount to get away from city life and soaking up the sunshine even during the winter months. They checked into the best hotels and lounged by the pool or at the beach. However, in recent years, people have shown a great interest for vacations that do not take them too far away from their homes.
The reasons for this are varied- the condition of the economy and the recession could be one and the long plane journeys could be another. People want to get to their destination quickly so that they can come back faster! Log cabin holidays have gained popularity because they allow families and couples to get away and enjoy a few days of peace and quiet.
People today have become very conscious about the way they look. They have a strict fitness routine and what's more, they do not want to take a break from the same even when they are on vacation. Log cabin holidays are very beneficial in this respect. Tourism websites and agencies cash in on the fact that the areas around log cabins should be explored only on bikes. The overall accommodation is modern, clean and very comfortable. If you go for a slightly expensive log cabin, you will be able to enjoy a number of leisurely activities.
You can always buy a wooden cabin away from the city and visit it whenever you feel the need. This has its own benefits. As vacation homes, log cabins are highly recommended when compared to traditional brick houses. To put it briefly, vacation homes are those that you visit at least twice a year- during the summer months and the winter months. That being said, the cabin will stay empty during the interim months.
When it comes to traditional houses, one has to make sure that the house stays clean and insect free so that the house is comfortable enough to live in when the need arises. Log cabins, on the other hand, are extremely low maintenance. Unlike traditional houses, their walls are not hollow which means that problems like insects, mould and mildew are kept at bay. One does not have to worry about pest control and other services when it comes to log cabins.
Another reason why wood cabins make excellent vacation homes is that they provide excellent insulation. This is because wood is highly energy efficient and adjusts the temperature in the house according to the temperature outside. In other words, if it is snowing outside, you can be sure that the log cabin will be very warm and cozy.
On the other hand, if it is scorching hot, the thermal mass will make sure that the house is cool and comfortable. The result is that you end up saving a lot of money when it comes to installation charges of air conditioners as well as heating appliances.
Log Cabins Eire have the biggest range of wooden buildings and log cabins in Ireland. Visit us to find out how we can make your property a better home. Also see our log house blog for more information.
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Log Cabin House Plans - Tips for Creating Log Cabin Floor Plans
By Olinda Rola
Log cabin house plans are plans used to build a rustic cabin made from wooden logs or log-like materials. Log cabin house plans can be a four-corner cabin much like the shelters of centuries past or the log cabin floor plans can be used for building a more complicated modern structure.
Log cabin floor plans provide the drawings and details that should result in a well-built and functional log cabin home. Log cabins can be designed and built in various sizes, shapes and intended uses. Whether used as a small vacation cabin or a permanent residence, they can be comfortable rustic structures that blend harmoniously with the woods, mountains, near a stream or lake or anywhere that peace and tranquility are desired and available.
Here are tips to keep in mind when creating your log cabin house plans:
What Are Your Needs and Wants - your needs can be considered as items that you must have to function every day. Wants are items that would not be required every day but would be nice to have if the budget permits. When you add in the extra costs of the various wants to your log cabin floor plans, you may realize that having less provides you more enjoyment for your home.
Consider the Advantages of a Four-Corner Cabin - a cabin with four corners and a simple roof system will cost the least to build from your log cabin house plans. Every corner that you add beyond four corners will cost more.
Use a Pier System Foundation - if local building codes permit pier foundations, this foundation type will cost less than a more expensive crawl space, slab or stone foundation. The finish of the foundation is not a major visual element once the log cabin house plans have been built and landscaping has been completed.
Be Careful Choosing the Cheapest Bid - the cheapest bid price may not be the best option. When you are evaluating bids, deciding based only on the least expensive bid may mean a surprise later. If you are going to have a builder build your log cabin house plans for you, be sure they have experience in the kind of work they will be doing for you. You will want your attorney to review the log cabin floor plans contract to be sure it is fair to both you and the contractor.
Consider Using Stock Plans - log cabin house plans created from the beginning will cost quite a bit more than stock plans. See if you can find stock plans that you like. If you want to make modifications to stock plans, it is more cost-effective to change existing log cabin floor plans than to create plans from the beginning. And be aware of the materials used in your cabin construction. Selecting in-stock building materials like window and door sizes, trims, fireplaces and cabinets in the kitchen and baths will save considerably over the costs of custom sizes.
If you can, visit local log home and log cabin builder shows. Talk with log builders, see their floor plan designs, talk with other persons interested in building log cabins and learn more about the building process. Use the internet to purchase log cabin house plans books and magazines and to search for existing plans using the criteria needed for your log cabin. As you search online for plans, keep a notebook of your ideas when you see features in plans that you would like to have in your log cabin home.
The planning stage can be a lot of fun and educational as well. Whether you are just beginning to organize your ideas or are well along with your log cabin house plans design, learn as much as you can about creating your own log cabin floor plans design that will provide you, your family and your friends enjoyment for many years to come.
Learn more about finding great small cabin plans online - Olinda Rola is President of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of - a website for those who love log cabin homes.
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